Facial Feedback Hypothesis
Facial expression confirmation R&D shows “smiling [potentially] makes you feel better”, and would indicate the importance of understanding your self and how all muscles work. If you don’t know how to smile, you’ll never see yourself smile, so you won’t try. Inevitable consequence is perpetual #depression. This is what allows so many to believe the dismissive excuse line “that *may* work for you but not for me/everyone”, or to think the Daria-level lack of expressive approach to life is acceptable. “Resting bitch face” appears to be correctable with mindfulness.… If victims of abuse knew their own strength from love by simple “teachable physical confidence”, bullies, who act accordingly out of misunderstood and vampiric fear inducing or projection, would quickly realize they are truly much weaker because of their willful conduct. They just need to be shown a benevolent way to live, but disallowed from overbearingly asserting their superiority complex at others by refusing denial of such harmful behavior.
My goal is to reduce the amount people feel they must “survive” simply to live in Love.
More to come…
Hey! …here’s something useful to read in the interim: http://photographyconcentrate.com/science-facial-expressions-and-how-it-improves-your-photography/